Nov. 17, 2021

Exclusive: Iran dismisses talk of interim nuclear deal ‘as not something new’


The story: Amid reports that the US and Israel are discussing the idea of putting an interim nuclear deal with Iran on the table, Iranian sources have flatly dismissed such a move, reiterating that the path forward is mutual compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Speaking on condition of anonymity, a high-ranking Iranian official told, “This is not something new and has been rejected in the past by Iran,” indicating that both more-for-more and less-for-less ideas have previously come up and withered on the vine.

The senior source elaborated that the reported US-Israeli “brainstorming” on potentially asking Iran to freeze enrichment of uranium to 60% purity in exchange for the unblocking of some of its assets held abroad or sanctions waivers on humanitarian goods is not...

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Mohammad Ali Shabani
Mohammad Ali Shabani
Mohammad Ali Shabani
Mohammad Ali Shabani is the Editor of Amwaj. media. ... Full Bio