Jan. 5, 2023

Khamenei sends dual messages on hijab as top police appointment looms


The story: Iran's supreme leader has spoken out against alienating women who don’t fully observe the mandatory hijab while also stressing the importance of hijab overall. The shift in tone could suggest a more flexible approach towards hijab enforcement in the future as unrest has ebbed in recent weeks. This comes amid rumors that Iran’s next police chief may be an official known for his heavy-handed approach to dissent.

The coverage: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Jan. 4 told a gathering of women that those who do not completely cover their hair are not necessarily opposed to the Islamic Republic or Islam.

  • "Those who do not fully observe the hijab should not be accused of irreligion or being counter-revolutionary," the supreme leader said.

  • Khamenei encouraged his supporters to "avoid excluding those with poor hijab from Islamic and revolutionary circles," emphasizing that such individuals are "our women and daughters."

However, the Iranian leader also made it clear that wearing a headcover—"proper" or otherwise...

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