Aug. 11, 2021

New Shiite political duo moves to shake up Iraqi politics


Iraq is seeing the formation of new political constellations ahead of its upcoming October parliamentary elections. In an important development, Hikmah Movement leader Ammar Al-Hakim has in recent months teamed up with former prime minister Haidar Al-Abadi to form the National Power of the State coalition, emphasizing the need for central government authority.

The coalition notably also includes the Iraqi National Congress, a party headed by Aras Habib—the successor of late prominent Shiite politician Ahmed Chalabi—and two movements which emerged from the Oct. 2019 anti-government protests...

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Mustafa Saadoon
Mustafa Saadoon
Mustafa Saadoon
Mustafa Saadoon is an Iraqi journalist as well as the founder and director of the Iraqi ... Full Bio