Jun. 1, 2022

Why Algeria, Saudi Arabia are moving to forge closer ties


Algeria and Saudi Arabia have historically not seen eye to eye on many issues. The Algerian republic has maintained warm relations with the Kingdom’s archrival Iran for decades and refused to join major Saudi foreign policy endeavors in recent years, such as the 2017-21 blockade of Qatar or efforts to isolate Hezbollah in Lebanon. Meanwhile, Riyadh has long favored Morocco, a fellow Arab monarchy which has a longstanding territorial dispute  with Algeria.

Yet there have been signs of a new relationship forming between Algeria and Saudi Arabia in recent years. The two sides have taken important steps towards détente, and particularly since the coming to power of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune in Dec. 2019. The Algerian president surprised many when he chose to visit the Kingdom on his first trip abroad. The two countries have since had several high-level diplomatic exchanges aimed at deepening bilateral ties...

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Bachir Mohamed Lahsen
Bachir Mohamed Lahsen
Bachir Mohamed Lahsen
Bachir Mohamed Lahsen is a media researcher at the University of Seville, Spain. He is a ... Full Bio