Oct. 1, 2023

Algeria and the UAE’s quietly strained ties


There are indications, including in local media, of heightened tensions between Algeria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Though not publicly acknowledged by the two governments, ties have been strained by an array of contentions over regional issues. The two have opposing views on the situation in Libya and normalization with Israel among other matters. Abu Dhabi is notably also close to Rabat, a main rival and neighbor of Algiers. At the same time, economic ties between Algeria and the UAE are growing, with a potential for improved political relations to follow.


Simmering tensions below the surface

Since his election as Algeria’s president in 2019, Abdelmadjid Tebboune has visited various Gulf Arab states including Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia—but not the UAE. The absence of visits has been reciprocal. Emirati President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan was among few leaders who...

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A correspondent on the ground
A correspondent on the ground
A correspondent on the ground
Amwaj. media on occasion withholds the bylines of our contributors for their protection. Different contributors may ... Full Bio