May. 12, 2022

Can Qatar help moderate the Taliban?


If there is any nation that appears to have majorly benefited from its investment in engagement with the Taliban, it is neither Iran nor Pakistan—but Qatar. Doha’s ability to serve as a bridge to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has helped western powers tackle challenges stemming from Taliban rule.


A unique role

Amid the Joe Biden administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan last summer, Qatar demonstrated its willingness and ability to help Washington limit the damage caused by a humiliating foreign policy crisis on par with the 1975 “Fall of Saigon.” The Gulf Arab state has also served as an important base for regional diplomacy; for instance, the US and other western countries have relocated many of their diplomats from Kabul to Doha. It should also be noted that amid the American withdrawal, tens of thousands of Afghans were airlifted out of their country via Qatar, while Doha also helped international media outlets evacuate their staff...

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Giorgio Cafiero
Giorgio Cafiero
Giorgio Cafiero
Giorgio Cafiero is the CEO of Gulf State Analytics (@GulfStateAnalyt), a Washington-based geopolitical risk consultancy. ... Full Bio