May. 30, 2024

Corruption claims, payouts to ‘IS families’ shake Iraq’s Martyrs Foundation


Iraqi officials are scrambling to address accusations of major corruption at the Martyrs Foundation’s office in the Sunni-majority Al-Anbar Governorate. On the heels of a recent report issued by investigators, authorities have confirmed that upwards of 1T IQD (760M USD) allocated to victims of terrorism in the western governorate has been siphoned from the program by employees of the Anbar office. The Foundation is also shaken by claims that beneficiaries of payouts to victims of terrorism include families of hundreds of Islamic State group (IS) members.

The scandal has raised serious concerns about the integrity of the Martyrs Foundation. It is also an embarrassment for Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ Al-Sudani, who is pursuing a broader anti-corruption drive. As details have emerged...

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Arran Walshe
Arran Walshe
Arran Walshe
Arran Walshe is an independent researcher and analyst focusing on the Middle East, with a specialization ... Full Bio