May. 28, 2024

Deep Data: Saudi Arabia struggles to achieve renewables revolution


Saudi Arabia has in recent years garnered global attention for its lofty renewable energy goals. In 2016, the Kingdom set an ambitious target of generating 9.5 GW of electricity from renewable sources by 2030. Three years later, in 2019, this figure was dramatically revised upwards to 58.7 GW.

On top of this, Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud late last year announced Saudi Arabia’s intention to add 20 GW of capacity annually—aiming to achieve a total output of 130 GW by 2030. That would exceed the...

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Piotr Schulkes
Piotr Schulkes
Piotr Schulkes
Piotr Schulkes is a consultant focused on the Middle East based in Norway. He is also ... Full Bio