Feb. 22, 2024

Deep Dive: Has Iran decided to send missiles to Russia?


In what could be a significant development, Iran is reported to have supplied Russia with hundreds of ballistic missiles, marking a turning point in military cooperation between the two countries. Reuters on Feb. 21 detailed the provision of around 400 missiles, including many from the Fateh-110 family of short-range ballistic weapons. Projectiles such as the Zolfaqar are capable of striking targets 300-700 km (186-435 miles) away.

Such a move would not only signify a deepening of military ties but also reflect a strategic pivot by Iran toward a more assertive stance in its foreign relations, particularly in the context of its dealings with the west on...

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Hamidreza Azizi
Hamidreza Azizi
Hamidreza Azizi
Hamidreza Azizi, PhD, is a Visiting Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs ... Full Bio