Jul. 24, 2024

Deep Dive: Region set for new phase in clash between ‘Axis of Resistance’, Israel


The Gaza war has entered a new and unpredictable chapter in the regional paradigm. Israel on July 20 bombed the vital town of Hodeidah in Yemen, reportedly damaging fuel tanks and some port facilities. Controlled by the Ansarullah movement—better known as the Houthis—the airstrikes in Hodeidah left at least six people dead and scores injured. The assault followed an unprecedented drone strike on Tel Aviv by the Yemeni group the previous day which claimed one life.

By demonstrating their willingness to conduct direct strikes on Tel Aviv as well as ability to bypass the Iron Dome, the Houthis have altered the regional rules of engagement— exposing Israel to multi-pronged attacks by the ‘Axis of Resistance’. The...

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Veena Ali-Khan
Veena Ali-Khan
Veena Ali-Khan
Veena Ali-Khan is a Yemen and Persian Gulf researcher based in New York. She was formerly ... Full Bio