Jan. 4, 2024

Deep Dive: Will Iran respond to assassinations, deadliest terrorist attack?


Twin blasts at a rally marking the fourth anniversary of the US killing of a top Iranian military commander have claimed at least 95 lives, authorities in Iran say. The incident is the deadliest of its kind since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack on mourners in Kerman who marked the assassination of former Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, who is buried in the southeastern town. Some lawmakers have accused Israel of perpetrating the attack, while a presidential advisor has described Tel Aviv and Washington as ultimately responsible. However, no other government or military officials have blamed Israel so far. Yet top officials have vowed a "harsh response" while observers say the Islamic State group (IS) is the most likely culprit.

Barely 24 hours before the bloodshed, a suspected Israeli drone strike in Beirut notably killed a senior Hamas commander seen as close to Lebanese Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic. The assassination of...

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