Jul. 30, 2021

Houthis advance amid discord between Yemeni government forces, UAE affiliates


Pro-government forces took control of the strategically important Al-Zahir district in the central Yemeni governorate of Al-Bayda in early July. But shortly afterwards, news circulated of major disagreements between Saudi-backed government forces and affiliates of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Only days later, on July 8, the Houthis reportedly recaptured Zahir—at least partly on the back of these divergences.

Government forces and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) as well as other pro-UAE entities have a history of clashing...

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Naseh Shaker
Naseh Shaker
Naseh Shaker
Naseh Shaker is a freelance journalist based in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a. He regularly contributes ... Full Bio