Apr. 16, 2024

How Gaza war is pushing the region eastward


The unwavering US support for Israel’s war on Gaza has left a bitter taste in the region. Anger is mounting not only in the Arab world but also across the Global South, over what is seen as western double standards towards Israel’s continued onslaught. There is a unified demand for a ceasefire and sharp criticism of what it viewed as unchecked Israeli aggression.

As the US has doubled down on its support for Israel since the Gaza conflict began in Oct. 2023, countries like China and Russia have opted not to follow suit. The frustration with the status quo is providing non-western power brokers with fresh incentives to forge a regional order that gives Washington less...

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Hassan Ahmadian
Hassan Ahmadian
Hassan Ahmadian
Hassan Ahmadian is an Assistant Professor of West Asian and North African Studies at the University ... Full Bio
Hesham Alghannam
Hesham Alghannam
Hesham Alghannam
Dr. Hesham Alghannam is the Director General of the Security Research Center at Naif Arab University ... Full Bio