May. 27, 2024

How reporting on violence against women in Iraqi Kurdistan is getting tougher


Just as people began gathering in Erbil’s Dream City for their final Ramadhan meal one evening in early April, a man shot and killed his estranged wife on a busy road outside the upscale development. The murder was covered briefly during the local evening news, but not mentioned again in subsequent segments. In the past, the open murder of a woman in public would have been top-of-broadcast news, but not now.

Iraqi Kurdistan has a reputation for having a better record on women’s rights than its neighbors. Still, violence against women and girls is common, and it is increasingly difficult to ascertain the scale of the problem without jumping...

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Winthrop Rodgers
Winthrop Rodgers
Winthrop Rodgers
Winthrop Rodgers is a journalist and analyst based in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, where he covers politics, human ... Full Bio