Nov. 2, 2023

Deep Dive: How division within Iran polarizes views on Israel-Palestine conflict


The Islamic Republic’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has long been clear. Iran leads the ‘Axis of Resistance’, a constellation of actors opposed to Israel which gathers Lebanese Hezbollah, Palestinian groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, Shiite factions in Iraq, the Syrian government, and Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, better known as the Houthis.

Amid the war in Gaza, members of the Axis have emphasized that the prospect of a regional conflagration is real. In such a scenario, Iran could be embroiled in a direct conflict with Israel, and even the US. At the same time, within Iran, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is once again deeply dividing society, sparking heated debates and online battles. These apparent dynamics highlight the gap between...

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A correspondent on the ground
A correspondent on the ground
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