Sep. 29, 2021

Houthis gird to tighten grip on Yemen’s parliament


In April, Yemen's pro-Houthi parliament approved a proposal that sought the revoking of the membership of 44 deputies on charges of "drifting into aggression." Lawmakers subsequently stripped 39 additional deputies of membership in July on charges of "supporting aggression."

All of this was preceded by a concerning move by a Houthi-run court in Sana’a in March 2020. The court confiscated the money and property of 35 deputies before sentencing them to death on charges of "collaborating and communicating" with the Saudi-led forces that have been locked in a war with the Houthis since 2015. The same court executed 11 deputies in February for “participating” in a meeting of members of the House of Representatives loyal to President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi in Hadhramaut....

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Naseh Shaker
Naseh Shaker
Naseh Shaker
Naseh Shaker is a freelance journalist based in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a. He regularly contributes ... Full Bio