Jan. 24, 2023

Inside story: Dollar crisis shifts winds in Iraq as US confronts Iran


Iraq is reemerging as a battleground for Iran and the US as deadlock remains over the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, and as Washington seeks to punish the Islamic Republic for its repression of protests and military cooperation with Russia.

Multiple Iraqi sources have indicated to Amwaj.media that the Joe Biden administration is maneuvering to target both Iran and Russia. Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ Al-Sudani, who took office last October with the support of the Tehran-backed Shiite Coordination Framework, is being pressed to counter currency smuggling to Iran. Meanwhile, Kurdish leaders are said to be under US pressure to close ranks and expedite efforts to export natural gas to Europe.

US maneuvering to undermine Iranian influence is not new. However, there are some novelties to the current offensive. On the one hand, an old face has reappeared in a new role to seemingly...

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