Jan. 7, 2025

Inside story: Hezbollah debates stronger Lebanese identity as Iran resists change


Despite setbacks in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria in recent months, elements of the Iran-led ‘Axis of Resistance’ are propagating losses as victories. Some political leaders of the alliance network are entrenched in a state of denial, multiple Iranian, Iraqi and Lebanese political and military sources said in interviews with Amwaj.media, portraying a reluctance to engage in a thorough evaluation of the phases that have been traversed and the factors that have led to the current situation.

"The widespread confusion currently afflicting the ‘Axis of Resistance’ does not bode well,” a Lebanese political source who preferred that his name be withheld lamented, “The current indicators point to an overarching...

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A correspondent on the ground
A correspondent on the ground
A correspondent on the ground
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