Jun. 30, 2023

Inside story: How Khamenei stayed the course amid protests in sessions with top officials, IRGC


In the wake of the nationwide protests in Iran sparked by the tragic death of Mahsa Jina Amini last September, a young woman who lost her life while in the custody of morality police, a series of significant events unfolded within the upper echelons of the state. These events shed light on the internal dynamics and power struggles within the Iranian political system—especially as the country prepares for leadership transition.

In a series of direct and indirect engagements with top officials and military commanders during the protests, Amwaj.media has learned, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei firmly stayed the course. In response to proposals for reform, he also apparently outlined what cannot be changed—indicating the direction of Iran for at least as long as he is alive.


Fateful ‘obstinacy’

Speaking on condition of anonymity, an informed source in Iran’s conservative camp told Amwaj.media that amid public outrage and mounting pressure on the Islamic Republic, a senior military commander successfully persuaded then-police chief Hossein Ashtari to issue a public statement expressing remorse, offering an apology to the public, and considering...

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Mehran Hashemi
Mehran Hashemi
Mehran Hashemi
Mehran Hashemi is the pseudonym of an independent Iranian journalist in Tehran who focuses on Iranian ... Full Bio