Mar. 20, 2023

Inside story: Iranian-Saudi engagement picks up steam with ‘official invitation’


Following secret talks in China earlier this month resulting in Riyadh and Tehran agreeing to resume relations, an Iranian presidential aide has revealed that the Saudi monarch has invited Iran’s president for an “official visit,” expressing a desire “for the strengthening of economic and regional cooperation.” Describing Ebrahim Raisi as having “welcomed this invitation”—said to have come in the form of a letter—the aide added that the president has “emphasized Iran's readiness to strengthen cooperation.”

While a visit could produce a leap forward in the bilateral relationship, questions remain about whether Raisi has accepted the invitation—as well as the possible agenda, format and timing of the proposed visit. Regardless, the very fact that such a visit is being discussed indicates the changing dynamics between Riyadh and Tehran.


Invitation accepted?

Asked about whether the Saudi invitation has been accepted, an informed Iranian insider who spoke anonymously said, “I don’t know, but if...

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