Jul. 22, 2024

Inside story: The two men who made a president out of Pezeshkian


In Iran, hardliners such as former chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili previously never had any real shot at the presidency. In the 2013 polls, when more than 70% of the electorate turned out to vote moderate Hassan Rouhani into office by a landslide, barely 11% of voters cast ballots for Jalili. In 2021, under pressure from the political establishment, Jaili pulled out in favor of late president Ebrahim Raisi, with conservatives benefiting from internal consensus and a record-low voter turnout of some 48%.

But with Raisi suddenly out of the way, a major portion of the electorate deeply disillusioned, and with the Guardian Council’s systematic barring of all major pro-reform candidates, Iran’s hardliners last month...

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A correspondent on the ground
A correspondent on the ground
A correspondent on the ground
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