Mar. 31, 2021

Kurdish Islamists in Iraq attempt rebranding to broaden appeal


Islamist parties have been key players in the Kurdistan region of Iraq for more than five decades. But one party is now rebranding itself in an attempt to broaden its appeal among more secular Kurds, strengthen ties with the federal government in Baghdad, and improve relations with both regional and western powers.

The Kurdistan Islamic Group removed the word “Islamic” from its name last month and replaced it with the word “justice.” The re-branded Kurdistan Justice Group, or Komal, is one of the main opposition factions in the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, holding seven seats in the regional parliament and two in the Iraqi national assembly...

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Momen Zellmi
Momen Zellmi
Momen Zellmi
Momen Zellmi is a political analyst, researcher and diplomatic consultant based in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan. He ... Full Bio