Mar. 13, 2023

Deep Dive: Amid western skepticism, Iranian-Saudi agreement largely hailed in region


The story: The China-brokered agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia to resume diplomatic ties has sparked a variety of reactions in the region and beyond. Regional allies and partners of Riyadh as well as Tehran have largely hailed the development. Europe and the US have welcomed peace, but overall cast doubt on whether Iran will adhere to the deal. In Israel, the opposition has seized on the accord to attack Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling it a blow to normalization with Arab states and efforts to establish an Arab-Israeli front against Iran.

The coverage: A trilateral statement was issued after secret talks in Beijing on Mar. 6-10 led by Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), and Saudi national security advisor Musaad bin Mohammed Al-Aiban. The negotiations were hosted by Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi.

  • Riyadh and Tehran will, according to the statement, reopen embassies within two months. The text further specifies that the Iranian and Saudi foreign ministers will meet to discuss the appointment of ambassadors.

Hours after the issuing of the joint statement, the Iranian and Saudi chief diplomats made brief comments...

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