Aug. 19, 2021

Why Iran touts imminent accession to key Eurasian bloc


Barely two weeks into Ebrahim Raisi’s presidency, signs of a shift in Iran’s foreign policy approach have already become apparent. At Raisi’s inauguration before the parliament on Aug. 5, Iran-backed militia leaders, such as Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, Ziyad Al-Nakhalah of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah’s Naim Qassem were given a seat on the front row. Other high-ranking foreign guests, including European Union deputy foreign policy chief Enrique Mora, were seated behind them...

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Hamidreza Azizi
Hamidreza Azizi
Hamidreza Azizi
Hamidreza Azizi, PhD, is a Visiting Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs ... Full Bio