Jun. 3, 2022

Tension simmers on Iraqi street as food prices rise


Already faced with chronic issues such as persistently high unemployment and a lack of access to basic services, Iraqis are now hit by skyrocketing prices for food staples. Observers blame the jump in prices on both the Russia-Ukraine war and endemic corruption. The rising consumer price inflation has sparked street protests in different parts of the country.

Iraqi social activist Qusai Awad told Amwaj.media it is the poorest who are suffering the most, especially those who do not receive aid from the authorities. “There is a decline in handouts and charity provided to people with no or low income,” he stated. Awad added that more Iraqis are falling under the poverty line as prices continue to rise. Just over the past two months, a roughly 15 kg bag of flour has more than doubled in price from 15 USD to 35 USD. A one-liter bottle of cooking oil has tripled in price to 3 USD. Awad said the price jumps are forcing a change in diets...

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Mohanad Faris
Mohanad Faris
Mohanad Faris
Mohanad Faris is an Iraqi writer and journalist who focuses on Iraq's political and social affairs. ... Full Bio