Oct. 14, 2024

Is Turkey playing ‘visa card’ to force Iraq’s hand on PKK?


After years of intense diplomatic wrangling, Ankara and Baghdad have come to an agreement that appears to settle longstanding conflicts over what officials are calling “limited visa liberalization.” As part of a broader memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed in mid-August, Iraqi and Turkish officials inked a deal that mutually grants visitors under the age of 15 and over 50 visas on arrival.

However, within days of its implementation the deal came under fire by critics in Turkey, including the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) and other actors. Detractors charge that the new visa regime...

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Mehmet Alaca
Mehmet Alaca
Mehmet Alaca
Mehmet Alaca is an academic researcher focusing on Iraq, regional Kurdish politics, and Shiite militias in ... Full Bio
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