Mar. 21, 2023

Legal cases against ‘cult’ put spotlight on freedoms in Bahrain


In Bahrain, a controversial NGO is on trial over its interpretation of Quranic verses in texts and videos posted on social media. The two legal cases the group is facing have sparked debate on freedom of belief and expression in the island nation.

Both the government as well as legal counsel Ali Yahya—in his capacity as a private citizen—have filed criminal complaints against Al-Tajdeed. The self-described Shiite “cultural and social group” has been active since 2002. Now, Tajdeed and several of its members are on trial over YouTube videos and tweets in which widely held assumptions about Islam are challenged.

Bahraini social media has been rife with debate from the outset of the legal proceedings, which have also attracted the...

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Nazeeha Saeed
Nazeeha Saeed
Nazeeha Saeed
Nazeeha Saeed is a journalist and international correspondent from Bahrain. As an advocate, she also won ... Full Bio