Apr. 28, 2022

How will Pakistan’s new PM approach Gulf Arab states, Iran?


All eyes are on how Pakistan’s new Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif will approach governing the world’s fifth most populous country. His tumultuous rise to power comes after his predecessor Imran Khan (2018-22) was defeated by a vote of no confidence in the parliament on Apr. 10 over allegations of poor governance. Yet, Khan has made clear he will not silently disappear and has called on his supporters to take to the streets while alleging that a US-backed conspiracy brought down his government.

Against this backdrop of political upheaval, Pakistan’s partners have been watching events unfold with caution. Countries such as Iran, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia have vital interests at stake depending on the trajectory of Islamabad’s foreign policy. While much remains uncertain, Sharif’s comments since assuming office have provided some answers on how he will approach these key regional states...

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Sabena Siddiqui
Sabena Siddiqui
Sabena Siddiqui
Sabena Siddiqui is a Pakistani foreign affairs journalist. She holds a degree in international law. Writing ... Full Bio