Sep. 8, 2023

Pakistan moves to attract major investment from GCC


Struggling to recover from an economic crisis, Pakistan has invited investment from Gulf Arab states. Islamabad has offered its partners in the region a stake in dozens of large-scale projects. The potential deals suit both parties. Pakistan will receive vital financial support. Meanwhile, Gulf states can increase their regional influence and further diversify their economies.

In June and amid severe economic challenges, Pakistan established a Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC). This will provide a one-off window for foreign investors, with 28 high-value projects to be offered to allies. A sovereign wealth fund will provide equity for joint ventures with foreign nations. The SIFC has also been given legal cover to expedite deals with less bureaucracy.

Islamabad has reportedly identified around 23 countries to...

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Sabena Siddiqui
Sabena Siddiqui
Sabena Siddiqui
Sabena Siddiqui is a Pakistani foreign affairs journalist. She holds a degree in international law. Writing ... Full Bio