Feb. 10, 2022

Will Iraq overcome its pollution crisis?


Iraq is the tenth most polluted country in the world by some estimates. The average level of harmful small airborne particles—known as PM2.5—has been measured at 39.6 micrograms per cubic meter (mcg/m3) in the country. In comparison, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that average PM2.5 concentrations should not exceed 5 mcg/m3, while the US Environmental Protection Agency says levels above 35.5 mcg/m3 can cause serious health problems.

The poor air quality in Iraq is the result of vehicle emissions, war-induced pollution, usage of generators for power due to poor electrical infrastructure, and fires from oil and gas refineries. While Iraq has ratified the Paris Climate Accord and has laws restricting pollution, in practice authorities have done little to consequentially curtail large-scale pollution. Meanwhile, as rates of cancer and other rare diseases have increased, many Iraqis are taking matters into their own hands to clean up...

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Zaid Al-Aseel
Zaid Al-Aseel
Zaid Al-Aseel
Zaid Al-Aseel is an award-winning Iraqi Journalist based in the southern governorate of Babylon. He has ... Full Bio