Jan. 19, 2022

Qa’ani, Sadr present Shiite Coordination Framework with tough choices


Negotiations to form the next Iraqi government are taking place in and between three cities in the country. In Baghdad, there is the Shiite Coordination Framework, which is objecting to the results of the Oct. 10 parliamentary elections and fears that it will not have a role in the next government. Key elements of the Coordination Framework fared poorly in the recent elections compared to the previous 2018 parliamentary vote.

In Najaf, there is Sadrist movement leader Muqtada Al-Sadr, the winner in the elections and currently the strongest entity in the government-formation formula. Sadr’s bloc is the single largest, having won 73 of the 329 seats in Iraq’s parliament.

In Erbil, there is the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by Masoud Barzani. The Kurdish leader is looking for the best alliance-building opportunity, and currently sees his interests best being matched with those of Sadr...

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Mustafa Saadoon
Mustafa Saadoon
Mustafa Saadoon
Mustafa Saadoon is an Iraqi journalist as well as the founder and director of the Iraqi ... Full Bio