Feb. 25, 2021

Scoop: Iran accuses E3 of 'starting' US action at IAEA


The scoop: Iran accuses Britain, France and Germany—the E3—of having initiated the US plans to censure Tehran at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Speaking to Amwaj.media on condition of anonymity, Iranian sources allege that France is now leading a charge behind the scenes to single out Tehran at the Agency’s Board of Governors meeting next week. They also warn that such efforts will jeopardize Iran’s cooperation with the IAEA.

The details: “The E3 started the US move in Vienna,” a senior Iranian official claimed, referring to the headquarters of the IAEA...

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Mohammad Ali Shabani
Mohammad Ali Shabani
Mohammad Ali Shabani
Mohammad Ali Shabani is the Editor of Amwaj. media. ... Full Bio