Oct. 13, 2024

The divergent paths to Baghdad of the Palestinian ‘resistance’


In the year since Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023 surprise attack on Israeli communities bordering the Gaza Strip, Palestinian armed factions have forged a seemingly closer alliance with the Iran-led ‘Axis of Resistance’. After 35 years of ties between Gaza-based groups and Tehran, the present moment is arguably the closest—and potentially most mutually reliant—that these actors have ever been.

Geographically and logistically, Baghdad provides a middle point for these ‘Axis of Resistance’ parties, dispersed as they are across the region. Barely ten days after the Oct. 7 attack, for example, a Hamas...

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Tamer Badawi
Tamer Badawi
Tamer Badawi
Tamer Badawi is an independent analyst currently focused on violent conflict, governance, and geopolitics in Iraq ... Full Bio