Jul. 6, 2022

Are new housing projects curbing tribal violence in Iraq?


Tribal customs are interwoven into the fabric of Iraqi society. It is estimated that 75% of Iraqis are part of one of roughly 150 tribes in the country. The importance of tribes is recognized by the state, with the Iraqi constitution underscoring the role they can play in “developing society.” At the same time, however, the constitution prohibits “tribal customs that run contrary to human rights.”

One such tribal practice that the authorities have attempted to restrict is known as dakkah. It involves members of a tribe threatening members of another tribe in their private residences. While the judiciary deemed the custom a “terrorist act” over four years ago, such attacks have been on the rise...

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Omar Al-Shamree
Omar Al-Shamree
Omar Al-Shamree
Omar Al-Shamree is an Iraqi writer and journalist. He is a regular contributor to a number ... Full Bio