Feb. 4, 2022

Exclusive: Iranian state visit ‘not on agenda’ as UAE grapples with Houthi strikes


The story: A visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is currently not on Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s agenda, informed sources in Tehran have told Amwaj.media. This comes as the official IRNA news agency had on Jan. 18 reported that Raisi is set for an official visit on Feb. 7. The apparent change in scheduling follows multiple recent drone and missile attacks on the UAE by the Iran-backed Yemeni Ansarullah movement, better known as the Houthis. It also comes after a shadowy group in Iraq claimed responsibility for an unconfirmed drone attack on the UAE....

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Mohammad Ali Shabani
Mohammad Ali Shabani
Mohammad Ali Shabani
Mohammad Ali Shabani is the Editor of Amwaj. media. ... Full Bio