Sep. 5, 2023

Exclusive: ‘Most’ Iran-US prisoner deal money moved amid push for diplomacy at UNGA


The transfer of Iranian assets in South Korea to Qatar is proceeding ahead of schedule, has learned, with “most” of the 6B USD worth of KRW already moved. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior political source in the region told that “only two billion is left to transfer” to Qatari banks. The apparent aim is to complete the operation in time for Iran and the US to exchange prisoners in connection with the upcoming United Nations General Assembly.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is notably expected to fly to the United States to attend the annual gathering of world leaders. However, while the Iran-US prisoner swap agreed last month is expected to soon be implemented, obstacles remain in the path of diplomacy in New York.


Nuclear engagement in New York

As has previously reported, more than a year of indirect talks between Iran and the US resulted in a prisoner swap deal announced last month. The accord entails Iran’s release of five Iranian-Americans held on security-related charges in exchange for the freeing of four Iranians detained by the US. Most of the Iranian-Americans have been taken to a hotel, where they will...

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