Mar. 22, 2024

Why the PUK remains entangled in alleged PKK ties


Despite efforts to improve relations, tensions persist between Turkey and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), the second largest party in Iraq’s Kurdistan region. In February, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated previous accusations against the PUK over its purported links to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

Erdogan described the PUK’s alleged support for the PKK as “utterly reprehensible” and warned that Ankara would take “all necessary measures” to protect itself. Erdogan’s remarks followed a series of other recent warnings by Turkish figures including Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and National Defense Minister Yaşar Güler. Amid the ongoing Turkish pressure, Iraq earlier this month joined Britain, Turkey, and the US in banning the PKK, though it stopped short of designating it...

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Renwar Najm
Renwar Najm
Renwar Najm
Renwar Najm is a London-based Kurdish journalist and analyst with expertise in political and socioeconomic matters ... Full Bio