Oct. 25, 2023

Will BRICS open its arms to Iraq?


2023 has seen the announcement of a spate of invitations for potential accessions to BRICS—an emerging economic and geopolitical bloc currently comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. On the heels of this, a number of other countries are also looking to join. Iraq is among them.

The possibility of joining the bloc offers Iraq the chance to boost both its economy and international stature. However, there are numerous obstacles to becoming a part of the club. These include Baghdad’s overreliance on oil exports and limited trade with some founding BRICS members. Such hindrances mean Iraq is unlikely to join the bloc any time soon.


Why accession matters to Iraq

After years of rumors of potential additions, BRICS—which took shape in its current guise in 2010—extended invites for six new members to join at its 15th summit last month. The gathering was...

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Ali Kareem Ozheb
Ali Kareem Ozheb
Ali Kareem Ozheb
Ali Kareem Ozheb is an award-winning Iraqi journalist with over 10 years of experience in covering ... Full Bio