Oct. 4, 2023

Iran's gas pivot back to Central Asia


After years of decline, Iran and Turkmenistan are strengthening cooperation on natural gas. The current efforts signal a marked change from Tehran’s previous attitudes towards Ashgabat. New agreements that have been signed will help secure Iran’s energy supply, particularly for provinces in the northeast of the c­­­ountry. But the deals also highlight the continued fragility of Iran’s domestic gas distribution network.


Scope of collaboration

The two neighbors have worked to settle existing gas disputes and sign new contracts.  Former president (2007-22) and current Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited Iran on May 30. Soon afterwards, Iranian officials announced a new natural gas deal. Under the contract, 10M cubic meters of gas will be imported from...

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Vali Kaleji
Vali Kaleji
Vali Kaleji
Dr. Vali Kaleji is a Tehran-based expert in Caucasian, Central Asia and regional studies. He has ... Full Bio