Nov. 9, 2023

Will war in Gaza derail peace efforts in Yemen?


As fighting rages on in Gaza, the conflict in Yemen could be on the cusp of being reignited. Negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, better known as the Houthis, had until recently raised hopes of lasting peace. The Kingdom has been pushing talks to promote regional stability. Saudi Arabia also seeks an exit strategy from its southern neighbor, where it has been caught in a quagmire since its military intervention in 2015. But events in Gaza may now derail peace efforts in Yemen.


State of Houthi-Saudi negotiations

A Houthi delegation paid a historic visit to Riyadh on Sept. 14-19 as a part of Omani-mediated talks. It was the first official visit by the movement to Saudi Arabia since the outbreak of the conflict in Yemen in 2014, when the Houthis expelled the internationally recognized government from Sana’a. The talks were a milestone in the political recognition of the Houthis, and notably came...

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Betul Dogan-Akkas
Betul Dogan-Akkas
Betul Dogan-Akkas
Dr. Betul Dogan-Akkas is an assistant professor of International Relations at Ankara University. She is a ... Full Bio