May. 19, 2021

Without Zarif, chances of Reformist win in Iran vote slim


After many efforts and consultations, the Reformists and moderates in Iran have ultimately failed to convince Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to stand in the upcoming June 18 presidential elections. Although Zarif had from the outset insisted that he did not intend to run, there had been a lot of pressure in recent months to persuade him to do so.

Now that the main Reformist option is off the table—and with the deadline for candidate registration having passed—the hopefuls who can be assumed to ultimately represent the camp in the upcoming polls boil down to three names...

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Saeid Jafari
Saeid Jafari
Saeid Jafari
Saeid Jafari is a Middle East analyst who has written for various outlets including Foreign Policy, ... Full Bio