Mar. 19, 2021

Yazidis remain fearful of return to Sinjar amid neglect, tensions


"They were abducting young girls to present them as gifts to [Islamic State] IS fighters or to sell them in slave markets. They said the Yazidis are infidels." recalls Bakiza Saleh to

The 50-year-old is not the only woman in Mam Rashan camp, in Iraq's northern Nineveh governorate, left in the dark over the fates of loved ones who were taken captive by IS in 2014. Her suffering is shared with the rest of the Yazidi and Turkmen survivors in the camp...

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Sanar Hasan
Sanar Hasan
Sanar Hasan
Sanar Hasan is an Iraqi journalist based in Baghdad. She focuses on gender issues, women's rights ... Full Bio