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Anna Jacobs is a non-resident fellow at The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. She has been living and working in the Middle East since 2011, and her research focuses on the foreign policies of the Gulf Arab states, particularly toward conflict and conflict mediation, and the geopolitics of the Middle East. Previously she was the senior Gulf analyst at International Crisis Group, based in Doha, senior political officer for The Shaikh Group working on Gulf-Iran Track 2 projects, and a senior researcher at the Brookings Doha Center. Her work has been published by International Crisis Group, The Brookings Institution, The Middle East Council on Global Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, Al Sharq Strategic Research, and elsewhere.
Anna Jacobs is a non-resident fellow at The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. She has been living and working in the Middle East since 2011, and her research focuses on the foreign policies of the Gulf Arab states, particularly toward conflict and conflict mediation, and the geopolitics of the Middle East. Previously she was the senior Gulf analyst at International Crisis Group, based in Doha, senior political officer for The Shaikh Group working on Gulf-Iran Track 2 projects, and a senior researcher at the Brookings Doha Center. Her work has been published by International Crisis Group, The Brookings Institution, The Middle East Council on Global Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, Al Sharq Strategic Research, and elsewhere.
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