Mar. 17, 2023

After talks in Russia, Saudi Arabia warns price caps on its oil will spark retaliation


The story: Saudi Energy Minister Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud has declared that the Kingdom will not sell oil to any country that imposes a price cap on its supplies. The posturing against potential oil price ceilings targeting Saudi oil notably follows consultations between Russia and Saudi Arabia. The diplomatic engagement in Moscow last week also resulted in the reaffirmation by both countries that agreed oil production cuts will be upheld. 

The coverage: The Saudi energy minister made the announcement in a Mar. 14 interview with Energy Intelligence. The interview was republished by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), while the Saudi-funded Asharq Al-Awsat closely covered his remarks.

  • In addition to announcing the Kingdom’s intention to decline oil sales to countries that adopt a price cap on crude imports from...

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