Feb. 13, 2023

After unrest, Iran’s leader signals flexibility ‘from position of power’


The story: Iran's supreme leader has called for "unity" in the face of alleged attempts by "enemies" to sow discord. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s remarks, which come only days after his issuing of a pardon for "thousands" of prisoners detained during the recent unrest, signal a desire to rally popular support for the ruling establishment. It could also indicate that the Islamic Republic seeks to reduce pressure over the worsening human rights situation in past months.

The coverage: Khamenei on Feb. 8 addressed a gathering of Army (Artesh) air force commanders in an annual address marking National Air Force Day.

  • The supreme leader said that hostile powers seek to "sow divisions" between the public and the establishment so that people "lose hope." He further stressed a "strategy of unity" as the best way to fight this alleged "evil plan."

  • Khamenei urged the public to display unity by attending the state-organized rallies on Feb. 11 to celebrate the 44th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. This, he said, would "send a message to the enemies that their plan...has been neutralized."

The supreme leader's address came after he agreed on Feb. 5 to pardon or commute sentences of "tens of thousands" of prisoners—including a "significant number" of people...

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