Sep. 7, 2023

Amid protests and clashes, Iranian media see return of ‘crisis’ to Syria


The story: Amid recent clashes between Kurdish-led forces and Arab tribes as well as anti-government protests in Syria, Iran has remained uncharacteristically silent. But some Iranian media outlets have seen a "crisis" returning to Syria, which has after more than a decade of civil war just seen its government accepted by Arab governments.

If the unrest continues, Iran is unlikely to stay silent. Tehran has heavily invested in keeping the Damascus government in power and looks to reap the benefits of rebuilding the war-torn country.

The coverage: The last several weeks have been particularly volatile in various parts of Syria.

  • Clashes between Arab tribal groups and the US-backed, Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have continued since Aug. 29. The violence erupted after Ahmad Al-Khabil, the leader of...

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