Sep. 19, 2023

Attack on Iraqi Kurdish commandos points to PUK-Turkey tensions


The story: An airport in Iraqi Kurdistan’s Sulaimaniyah Governorate reportedly used by commandos has been rocked by a deadly airstrike. Iraqi military officials say a drone that flew in from Turkish airspace was responsible for the strike. But Ankara has not claimed the attack. Both Arab and Kurdish officials in Iraq have slammed the bombing, calling for a probe to determine the culprit.

The incident comes against the backdrop of an ongoing deterioration in relations between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Turkey. Tensions between the two sides have long simmered over claims that the Sulaimaniyah -based party tolerates Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) activity in its zone of control.

The coverage: Arbat Airport was hit by an airstrike at approximately 5 pm local time on Sept. 18. The attack reportedly left...

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