Mar. 14, 2023

'Charter for Solidarity' struggles to unite Iran's fragmented opposition


The story: Six prominent exiled Iranian dissidents have put forward what they call the "Charter of Solidarity and Alliance for Freedom" to unite the divided opposition to the Islamic Republic.

The charter has been praised by some activists as a solid attempt to unify the Iranian opposition. However, many have raised questions about the text, arguing that it fails to use national symbols or appeal to the concept of an Iranian nation.

The coverage: Six exiled opposition figures, including former crown prince Reza Pahlavi and Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, published the "Charter of Solidarity and Alliance for Freedom" on Mar. 10.

  • The other four signatories are activist and actress Nazanin Boniadi; Hamed Esmailion, activist and former spokesman of The Association of Victims' Families of Flight PS752; Masih Alinejad, activist and journalist; and...

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