Jun. 12, 2023

Emerging from World Cup criticism, Qatar chairs top annual labor conference


The story: Qatar’s Labor Minister Ali bin Samikh Al-Marri has been elected as president of the annual conference of the International Labor Organization (ILO). Although Marri has extensive experience in the field of human rights, Qatar has faced international scrutiny over its labor laws. Criticism particularly emerged in connection with the construction boom that preceded the wealthy Gulf Arab state’s hosting of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. In response, Qatar adopted labor reforms while Marri has proposed “social dialogue” as the path to “sustainable changes.”

The coverage: The Qatar News Agency (QNA) on June 5 reported that ILO members elected Qatar, represented by Marri, as president of the organization’s 111th session.

  • The ILO’s annual International Labor Conference provides a platform for governments, employers, and worker organizations to discuss social and labor issues.
  • Qatar’s labor ministry quoted Catelene Passchier—vice chair of the ILO board of directors and head of the trade union group—who acknowledged “Qatar’s commitment to the basic...

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