Jan. 25, 2024

Executions suggest Iran no longer bound by public opinion ahead of polls


The story: Iran's hanging of a young man detained in connection with anti-establishment protests in 2022 has sparked a public outcry. With national elections approaching, the execution indicates that elements of the political establishment are no longer concerned about the prospect of a largely disengaged electorate. In this vein, the conservative-dominated Guardian Council has barred a moderate former president from defending his seat in a key council in the upcoming polls, sparking consternation.

The coverage: Iranian authorities on Jan. 23 executed Mohammad Qobadlou, a 23-year-old man who was detained in connection with anti-establishment protests.

  • Qobadlou was accused of killing a policeman during the nationwide unrest following the death of a young woman in morality police custody in Sept. 2022.

Qobadlou’s hanging has triggered outrage among...

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